Small cap equity research boutique

Coverage of underbrokered Danish small cap stocks, funded by readers only. Sign up today for EUR 29 per month.

The small cap segment is a breeding ground for undiscovered and misunderstood companies

The small cap segment is the breeding ground for undiscovered and misunderstood companies. Why is that?

First, large institutional investors cannot invest in these companies because the stocks do not offer the trading liquidity required to build meaningful positions if one manages a multi-billion-dollar fund.

Second, because these institutional investors are not active small cap investors, covering the stocks is uneconomical for the research departments of big banks.

This absence of large institutions and research analysts lay the foundation for inefficiently priced small cap stocks, ripe for discovery.

Identification of the hidden gems early on and the rewards for doing so are left in the hands of our key clients; smaller asset managers with lower liquidity requirements, family offices, and hedge funds as well as high-net-worth individuals and retail investors.

Rüf Bille is the only pure-play small cap equity research boutique in the market, and we offer the widest coverage of small cap equities. We are uniquely positioned to advise and support our clients in navigating the segment.

Read more about Rüf Bille here, or sign up today by clicking here.